Use "erg|ergs" in a sentence

1. Photopic ERG induced responses similar in time, amplitude, and configuration to those of the dark-adapted ERG.

2. In optic neuritis the photopic ERG is normal.

3. Purpose: Discussing the testing procedure of multifocal electroretinography ( ERG ).

4. Erg orders his groceries from an online delivery service.

5. In the human ERG the oscillatory potentials were evoked by right-angle stimuli of short duration (100 msec) and high luminance (102 times ERG-threshold).

6. ERG was performed before injection and 7 day after operation.

7. Batse data for long GRBs 1042 erg Mpc 3 yr 1 0 t dL (L) (1044 erg Mpc 3 yr 1) 0.05 – 0.08 (Guetta et al

8. Leadership Councils also host sponsorship programs to advance ERG leaders

9. For them, energy comes in joules, and force in newtons, but whatever happened to ergs and dynes?

10. Erg may be doing work, but is it real work?

11. Seven sets of primers were designed toamplify the ERG 11 gene.

12. ERG theory postulates three sets of needs: existence, relatedness, and growth.

13. Besides providing logistic solutions, we also supply related chemical products such as ERG 1000, the "World's Most Advanced Refrigeration Oil" and ERG UFA, the "World's Most Advance Flushing Agent".

14. A distinct change in the composition of the alga is already produced by small amounts of blue light (ca. 200 ergs/cm2 sec); the highest protein level is reached at 4,000–5,000 ergs/cm2 sec and maintained at still higher intensities.

15. 18 All-field electroretinogram (ERG) can only estimate the ruction of retina in total, at the same time, local-field ERG can only test a small region of retina every time.

16. No significant abnormality in P - ERG waveform of anisometropic amblyopic eyes was found.

17. Compared the results of ERG of 14 days after injection with it before injection.

18. ERG examination is an effective method in evaluating retinal function of infants with ROP.

19. Objective : To evaluate and compare the use of the multifocal electroretinogram ( ERG ) in retinal diseases.

20. These stages were compared to the changes in amplitude of the b-waves of the ERGs (Fig. 1).

21. Objective : To observe the retinal function of macular disease with multi focal electroretinogram ( M ERG ).

22. MF-ERG allowed accurate topographic mapping of focal areas of retinal dysfunction in all patients tested.

23. Immense areas of sand dunes called areg (sing., erg) occupy about one-quarter of the territory.

24. Objective To probe the possibility visual function of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ).

25. No significant difference was found in examination of F - ERG and P - VEP before and after operation.

26. AIM: To compare the efficacies of sumatriptan injection (Sum) vs ergotamine and caffeine tablet (Erg) on migraine.

27. Caterpillar tackles the findings within existing initiatives and our 14 employee resource groups (ERGs), one of which is the Women’s Initiative Network (WIN)

28. The Arase satellite data will be publicly available via ERG Science Center on a project‐agreed schedule

29. The ERG supported the Commission’s objectives but was against the approach as set out in the consultation document.

30. The 30-Hz flicker response of the cone ERG showed borderline implicit times, but no reduction of amplitudes.

31. Objective To probe the possibility of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for typing branch retinal vein occlusion ( BRVO ).

32. Specialties: Brigant is een erg gezellig, huiselijk Café dat tot stand word gehouden door een select groepje vrijwilligers

33. Etymology 'Berrier' means 'hill shieling' - from Old English (OE) 'berg', 'hill', and Old Norse (ON)'erg' 'shieling', 'hill pasture'

34. Electroretinography (ERG) was without pathological findings, while the electrooculography (EOG) was abnormal, reflecting a functional disturbance of the retinal pigment epithelium.

35. Conclusion:The combining examination of VEP and ERG in glaucoma following cataract have great value in selecting operation mode and forecasting visual function.

36. In constant darkness the ERG shows free-running variations of amplitude corresponding to sensitivity changes of 3 to 4 log units.

37. In this way, the ERG discrimination level in detecting retinal disturbances in tobacco-alcohol amblyopia can be shifted towards higher sensitivity.

38. Supported energy units: J (Joule), e (erg), c (Thermodynamic calorie), cal (IT calorie), eV (electronvolt), HPh (Horsepower-hour), Wh (Watt-hour), flb (foot-pound), BTU

39. Hier können Sie Anmerkungen wie Anwendungsbeispiele oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch des Begriffes „Abastardize“ machen und so helfen, unser Wörterbuch zu ergänzen

40. The southeast is a vast expanse of sand, like a Saharan erg, with dunes 300 metres (980 ft) high, among the tallest in the world.

41. Hier können Sie Anmerkungen wie Anwendungsbeispiele oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch des Begriffes „Adjuvate“ machen und so helfen, unser Wörterbuch zu ergänzen

42. Hier können Sie Anmerkungen wie Anwendungsbeispiele oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch des Begriffes „Abjugates“ machen und so helfen, unser Wörterbuch zu ergänzen

43. Hier können Sie Anmerkungen wie Anwendungsbeispiele oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch des Begriffes „Agrising“ machen und so helfen, unser Wörterbuch zu ergänzen

44. Hier können Sie Anmerkungen wie Anwendungsbeispiele oder Hinweise zum Gebrauch des Begriffes „Accinging“ machen und so helfen, unser Wörterbuch zu ergänzen

45. Barchans have previously been described from the Namib Sand Sea (Lancaster, 1989), from the Skeleton Coast Erg (Lancaster, 1982), and from the Cunene Sand Sea (Goudie, 2007)

46. The amplitude of the b-wave and the threshold intensity of light necessary to evoke an ERG were linearly related to the time after the retina was reattached.

47. The word ADD ( German - ERG ) appears on the status bar 3 ) Use the arrow keys to move to the start of the next piece of text to be selected

48. Apoplex medical technologies greift dabei auf ein umfangreiches akademisches und klinisches Netzwerk zurück, das die eigenen Kernkompetenzen aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Physik und Medizin fachlich ergänzt.

49. The Sahara is mainly rocky hamada (stone plateaus); ergs (sand seas – large areas covered with sand dunes) form only a minor part, but many of the sand dunes are over 180 metres (590 ft) high.

50. We establish the animal model on open wound of eyeball with hypotony and examine ERG in different time, observe the apoptosis in the retina, provide the theoretical basis for clinical treatment.

51. In a 15th case, a boy now 13 years of age, the clinical symptomatology and the scotopic ERG had led to the diagnosis of an incomplete form of achromatopsia 5 years earlier.

52. In order to avoid misinterpretation of ERG recordings taken with canthi-skin electrodes, the potential deriving from the two electrodes was fed into a balancing amplifier that eliminated opposing voltages and amplified unidirectional voltages.

53. This proposition requires a release of supernova-like energy of about 10 to the 51st ergs within less than 1 s, making gamma-ray Bursters the brightest objects known in the universe, many orders of magnitude brighter than any quasars.

54. Best of the Best Sellers Calorie And Carbohydrate Counters ( BTU, thermal unit, Atomerg, rational calorie, dyne, photon, erg, kilogram-meter, great calorie, joule )The book Calorie And Carbohydrate Counters comes highly recommended and it's one you'll really enjoy.

55. Best of the Best Sellers Calorie And Carbohydrate Counters ( BTU, thermal unit, Atomerg, rational calorie, dyne, photon, erg, kilogram-meter, great calorie, joule )The book Calorie And Carbohydrate Counters comes highly recommended and it's one you'll really enjoy.

56. If a stimulus of large subtense and low intensity, e.g. 100 times above the absolute visual threshold, is presented to the dark adapted eye, the resulting ERG-response shows several fast positive components, followed by a slow negative deflection.

57. Arase (ERG) is a Japanese research satellite designed to repeatedly fly through the Van Allen belts high above Earth, helping scientists sort out how chaotic geomagnetic storms form and evolve and potentially endanger astronauts, spacecraft and infrastructure vital to life on the ground

58. With "Camel Bivouac Merzouga agency" you will explore and enjoy all that Erg chebbi desert has to offer, crossing the beautiful sand dunes of the sahara and spending nights in the desert beneath a stunning canopy of stars in a traditional nomad Bivouac camp.

59. Examples of Belonging in a Sentence her adoptive family gave the young girl a sense of Belonging that she had never felt before packed up all their Belongings and moved across the country Recent Examples on the Web ERGs are champions for DEIB and mental health within an organization and help foster inclusivity and Belonging.

60. Examples of belonging in a Sentence her adoptive family gave the young girl a sense of belonging that she had never felt before packed up all their Belongings and moved across the country Recent Examples on the Web ERGs are champions for DEIB and mental health within an organization and help foster inclusivity and belonging.

61. States a t? t Borities conveved to the South African Gover-nment even doubts t be in its dissatisfaction South has di scharced i (s South therefore cannot accept quart erg attempts to ray se douEts about its i Flt egritv this regard and it regrets the United States its c …

62. The cases with complete congenital achromatopsia presented a uniform picture: the subjects affected were not able to distinguish colours at all; the ERG showed subnormal amplitudes of a- and b-waves and a flicker fusion frequency with a maximum of 10 cps according to the lack of photopic components; the course of dark adaptation was monophasic within the normal range or near to it.

63. 数学的实践与 认识, 1980( 1) 、 ( 2) 收稿日期: 1996-10-23 修回日期: 1997-04-09 St udy on t he Ef fect of Alkylet hersulf at e, Alkanolamide & NaCl on the Viscosit y of Liquid Det erg ent Xiong Yuanqin Luo Shuai ( Hunan L ig ht Indust ry Research Inst it ut e, Chang sha, 410007) Abstract : T he mathematica l equatio n of the v